In all JDP matters, faculty, staff, and students, will strive to avoid both actual and perceived conflicts of interest. In those cases where potential conflicts of interest cannot be avoided they will be disclosed to the JDP co-Directors prior to engaging in the activity that could lead to the conflict. This policy covers all aspects of the JDP including admissions, coursework, completion of degree requirements, and research and publishing.

For example, if an applicant to the JDP is related to, has a close personal relationship, and/or has a financial relationship with a member of the current faculty, staff, or student body, the nature of this relationship must be disclosed to the JDP co-Directors prior to the applicant being considered for an interview or an offer of admission.  

In addition, if two or more members of the faculty are related or have a close personal relationship, each faculty member must disclose the nature of this relationship prior to serving on any committee, including dissertation committees, guidance committees, or any JDP administrative committee prior to agreeing to serve on the committee.