Minimum Funding

JDP students entering Fall 2021 and later: Effective Fall 2023, the JDP guarantees minimum compensation at the UC San Diego local level each year (currently $32,495 for 2023-2024).

JDP students who entered Fall 2020 and before: The JDP guarantees minimum compensation at the NIH predoctoral stipend level each year (currently $27,144 for 2023-2024).

These guarantees represent minimum compensation amounts, and faculty mentors and both universities may offer opportunities for additional compensation above the minimums. Every student has a unique funding situation, and we urge students to discuss their compensation with their mentor(s) and the program administration, as needed.

It is expected that students and their mentors discuss the level of support each year and how it will be distributed.

Students are responsible for ensuring that all necessary forms, etc. are in place in order for paychecks to be received.


Most students funded at SDSU do so through faculty grants administered by the SDSU Foundation.  Those students need to check with their supervisors to be sure all necessary procedures are completed.  Additionally, they may need to sign in at the Foundation personnel office at the Gateway Center.

At SDSU, students sometimes receive funding through the Psychology Department as Graduate Associates and Graduate Teaching Assistants.  Student may also receive SDSU Graduate Fellowships. These students receive a contract and letter from the Dean of the College of Sciences.  Contracts are to be signed and returned to the Psychology Department.  Students may be required to sign in at the Human Resources Office located on the fourth floor of the Gateway Annex building.

UC San Diego

At UC San Diego, students may need to be officially hired by the Department of Psychiatry for some Research Assistantships; in other cases students need to check with the supervisor at the VA or other institution to make certain that necessary payroll forms have been submitted.

Setting Up Direct Deposit at UC San Diego

Please arrange to have direct deposit of any checks received from UC San Diego. Even with an SDSU mentor and stipend paid through SDSU, it is recommended that all students sign up for direct deposit at UC San Diego for quicker receipt of incentive award funds.

There are three units that provide direct deposit to graduate students, depending upon the type of transaction:

  • Student Financial Solutions (stipend payments for domestic students and account refunds)
  • Payroll (ASE, GSR, and any other student employment paychecks)
  • Disbursements (travel and other personal reimbursement, plus stipend payments for some international students)

To be on the safe side, international students may want to sign up for both Payroll and Disbursements even if not being paid by UC San Diego as some supplemental stipends must be sent through payroll as opposed to the Disbursement office.

Taxes: With various funding mechanisms, how taxes are paid may change. The JDP does not give tax advice.  We advise students, if they have tax questions, to contact the Graduate Division at either university, or a tax accountant. For additional tax resources, please refer to the JDP Student SharePoint Site: Economic & Financial Resources page.

NOTE:  If a student elects to take longer than six years (including internship) to complete the program they should know that the program cannot promise support or tuition beyond that time.  Note, if a student takes a leave of absence their time will be recalculated.

Updated 9/26/2023