Checking Transcripts for Accuracy

Students should check their unofficial transcript for accuracy at least twice a year at each University.  Unofficial SDSU transcripts can be accessed online through each student’s my.SDSU account; unofficial UC San Diego transcripts can be accessed through Tritonlink. Make sure any incompletes have been changed to grades within the time period allowed, that all grades are accurate, and that you have received credit for all courses that you have taken.  This is each student’s responsibility. Errors do occur and are difficult to correct if not done within the time period allowed at each university.  Do not wait until applying for internship to check for errors because this could lead to you not being able to apply for internship on time.

If there is an error bring it to the attention of the course instructor immediately.  If the instructor cannot correct the error, please let the appropriate Co-Director know right away so that they can assist.  Please note that an Incomplete automatically becomes an F after one yearAlthough the grade of “F” will not show on the transcript, the result will be the same.  That is, the number of units for which one would have received a grade will be added to the total JDP units when the GPA is figured; this means the overall GPA will drop and you could be put on academic probation on the basis of this alone.