All currently enrolled JDP students are eligible to receive the following JDP Incentive Awards.

JDP Incentive Awards

Disbursements for the JDP Incentive Awards are in stipend form, generated from the Graduate Division. 

Please note: The support time limit for doctoral students at UC San Diego is 6 years.  Therefore, students will not be eligible for JDP Incentive Awards starting their 7th year in the program.

JDP 1st Author Publication Award

The JDP Publication Award will reward students for each 1st author paper accepted/published in a peer-reviewed journal.  Please note, this is for accepted/published, 1st author manuscripts in a peer-reviewed journal – not for “submitted” papers.  Additionally, work presented in the paper (at minimum, data analysis and manuscript writing) should be substantially completed while the student is enrolled in the JDP, although it is permissible for the co-authors to be from outside the JDP.  Students are awarded with a $100 supplemental stipend for each first author publication while enrolled in the JDP.

How to Apply for the 1st Author Publication Award (JDP SharePoint)

JDP Grant Submission Award

The JDP Grant Submission Award will reward students each time they submit a major external grant proposal as PI that will provide substantial funding support for at least one year in the program (F31, NSF, Private Foundation, etc.) – We truly appreciate all of the hard work that goes into grant submissions!​ Please note, this is for any new grant submission (first submission only). Students are awarded with a $100 supplemental stipend for each time a student submits a major grant proposal while enrolled in the JDP. ​

How to Apply for the JDP Grant Submission Award (JDP SharePoint) 


JDP Professional Development Funds

The JDP Professional Development Funds are intended to be used by students to support a wide range of professional development activities. Examples include registration for specialized trainings/workshops, membership fees for professional organizations, and to offset publication costs. When funds are available, students will automatically receive up to $500 a year in professional development funds (i.e., they do no need to be requested) and will be notified by email when the funds are issued.


Additional Program Support

The JDP reimburses students for the following program-related requirements:

  • Advancement to Candidacy Fee ($50) – Required by UC San Diego in order to Advance to Candidacy
  • Internship Match & Application Fees ($628 for the 2024-2025 academic year) – Covers the APPIC Match Fee ($130) required when applying for internship as well as up to 15 internship applications ($498). 
  • PhD Graduation Application Fee ($100) – Required by SDSU in order to apply to graduate.

How to Receive Additional Program Support (JDP SharePoint) 

Updated 2/7/2025