• Formalize recognition of the experience that child and adolescent-focused students receive in our program to increase competitiveness for child and adolescent-focused internships, postdoctoral fellowships, and professional positions.
  • Attract more child and adolescent-focused applicants by highlighting the child and adolescent-related training of our program.
  • Provide guidance to faculty and students in developing the training programs of child and adolescent-focused students.



A. Research Expertise in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (both A1 and A2 are required):

  1. Demonstration of research expertise in child/adolescent populations as evidenced by at least one 1st authored peer-reviewed article accepted for publication/published (can be empirical or theoretical, including a review), completed at the JDP, focused on children, adolescents, or families with children/adolescents (aged 0-18):
  2. A least two of the following, completed at the JDP, focused on children, adolescents, or families with children/adolescents (aged 0-18):
  • 2nd year project completed
  • Behavioral Medicine or Experimental Psychopathology Comprehensive Examination successfully passed
  • Dissertation successfully proposed
  • 1st authored peer-reviewed article accepted for publication/published (can be empirical or theoretical, including a review), separate from the publication used to fulfill requirement A1
  • 1st authored book chapter accepted for publication/published
  • Independent funding of any amount for research projects or training focused on children/adolescents or families with children/adolescents (e.g., NRSA/NSF type fellowship; travel awards will not be eligible).
  • Master of Public Health thesis completed at SDSU

Note: Students can fulfill the research requirement A2 with multiple works of the same type (e.g., 2 first-authored journal articles, in addition to the journal article used to fulfill A1). In addition, program requirements that overlap with publications can also be counted separately (e.g., a second year project that then becomes a first-authored publication=2 items; a staple dissertation successfully proposed with 2 first-authored journal articles=3 items).

B. Clinical Expertise in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (both B1 and B2 are required)

  1. Successful completion of a two year-long Clinical Practica focused upon children, adolescents, and/or families with children/adolescents completed at the JDP. 

These practica will be identified by the Coordinator of Practicum Training, the JDP Co-Directors, and the Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (CAP) Emphasis Committee. See below for a current list of Child and Adolescent-Related Practicum Sites.

Alternatively, one of the year-long, clinical practica can be replaced by a total of 500 hours of clinically-relevant work (e.g., assessments, interventions, formal training in interventions/assessments, supervision, paperwork associated with intervention/assessments) across practica/research sites. Fulfillment of this alternative will require submission of documentation by the student, verification of experience by the research mentor/practicum supervisor, and approval by the CAP Emphasis committee*.

  1. The completion of two child/adolescent-focused integrated reports

At least two child/adolescent-focused integrated reports must be completed, and it is suggested that students complete more than two. Students can determine with their guidance committees how many child/adolescent-focused integrated reports they will need to be competitive for the internships they will want and plan accordingly.

C. Specialized Coursework (1 course)

The student must earn a grade of B or higher in at least 1 doctoral-level child/adolescent/family-focused course in an area relevant to the student’s training.

Course options:

1. Psychology 833: Developmental Psychopathology

Course Description: The primary objective of this course is to increase student understanding of the current theory and research on the nature of the development of psychopathology and psychological disorders across the life span.

Note: This course is currently required for Experimental Psychopathology students as part of the proseminar in Experimental Psychopathology.  It is offered every year pending a minimum number of students.

2. A doctoral-level course approved via petition by the Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Emphasis Committee*.

*To request approval of a course, please send a copy of the course syllabus to the CAP Committee via email. The CAP Committee will consider the child/adolescent/family content of the course in determining approval.


Once you have completed all of the requirements listed above to fulfill the Emphasis in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, please send an email following the guidelines below. 

– –

To: CAP Committee Members (listed above)

Cc: Mentor, SDSU Co-Director, SDSU Program Coordinator, and UC San Diego Graduate Coordinator

Subject: Completion of the Emphasis in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

Email Body: I have met all program requirements for the Emphasis in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. See below and attached for proof of completion to be reviewed and approved by the CAP Committee.  

A. Research Expertise

  • A1. 1st Authored Peer-Reviewed Article: List publication citation & link
  • A2. Completed: (include two of the options listed below)
    • 2nd Year Project: List 2nd year project title & date of completion (2nd year project cover sheet attached)
    • BMed or EP Comprehensive Examination: List BMed or EP Comp title & date of completion
    • Dissertation Proposal: List dissertation title & date of proposal defense (dissertation proposal defense announcement attached)
    • 1st Authored Peer-Reviewed Article: List publication citation & link (separate from the publication used to fulfill requirement A1)
    • 1st Authored Book Chapter: List book citation (& link if available)
    • Independent Funding: List title of proposal/grant (proposal and notice of award attached)
    • MPH Thesis: List MPH thesis tile & date of completion

B. Clinical Expertise

  • B1. Child/Adolescent/Family-Focused Clinical Practica: (list all that apply)
    • List child focused completed practicum site #1 and academic year completed
      • Ex: Rady Children’s Hospital Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic, 2021-2022
    • List child focused completed practicum site #2 and academic year completed
  • B2. Child/Adolescent-Focused Integrated Reports: List number of completed reports

C. Specialized Coursework

  • C1. Child/Adolescent/Family-Focused Course:
    • List completed course, semester year completed, grade (transcript attached)
      • Ex: PSY 833 Developmental Psychopathology, Spring 2022, A (transcript attached)

Once reviewed and approved, the CAP Committee will notify you by email. A copy of this email will be saved in your student file on the JDP SharePoint Student Records Site. 

Child and Adolescent-Related Practicum Sites 

Last updated 2022

UCSDCARE Early Psychosis Treatment Center
UCSDPHP-Pediatric UC San Diego Eating Disorders Program for Treatment and Research
SDSUSDSU Psychology Clinic – Child Assessment Rotation
SDSUSDSU Center for Autism
RadyRady Children’s Hospital Autism Discovery Institute
RadyRady Children’s Hospital Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic
RadyRady Children’s Hospital MBU

Approved by Steering May 31, 2019

Last updated 7/22/2022