The JDP was exceptionally well represented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) Student Awards this year, taking 4 out of the 6 awards! These awards are based not only on the submitted abstracts, but also the students’ ability to navigate two different sets of faculty judges who drop by their posters and grill them on the details.

The Student Poster Awards went to:

  • Virginie Patt: Parsing Working Memory Processes: The Impact of Eye Movement Strategy on Neurocognitive Test Performance (Virginie’s abstract was selected for the top prize, which is the Ted Blau award)
  • Erica Weber: Lower Memory Related Quality of Life in Older HIV Affected Adults
  • Kaitlin Blackstone: Self-predictions of Prospective Memory Performance in HIV Infection: Evidence of a Meta-memory Deficit
  • Tanya Nguyen: The Clinical Utility and Specificity of Parent Reports of Executive Functions among Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
