Before taking a leave, students must discuss it with the Guidance Committee and the co-directors first.


After completing one semester, students qualify for a leave of absence one semester at a time to a maximum of two. Students must be in good academic standing in the program and should not have a “hold” on their registration (cashiers, library, immunization, etc.). Students must request a leave each semester they wish to be absent. For more information on requesting a leave of absence, visit

If a student elects to withdraw after the specified semester deadline at SDSU, they must get approval from the psychology department chair. If they withdraw during the last three weeks of the semester, they must see the Dean of the Graduate Division.

No paperwork is necessary for SDSU. However, the JDP requires students to notify the co-directors via email, copying the guidance committee and both program coordinators. This email should include the student’s intention of taking a leave of absence, as discussed with the guidance committee, and the start and end dates of their absence.

UC San Diego

Students requesting a leave of absence should email the UC San Diego Program Coordinator. Students may also cancel an approved absence at UC San Diego up to the day before classes begin. Any leave time may be counted in the maximum seven years allowed to complete the degree. To receive an extension, students must have a compelling reason, such as serious illness, etc.

If the situation is critical, and a student must withdraw before a semester is completed, they must follow the procedures for official withdrawal from classes. Without proper withdrawal, their grades may be in jeopardy. If students choose to take an “Incomplete” course, the “I” will automatically be changed to an “F” in one year if they have not completed the course. An “Incomplete” must be arranged with the course instructor, as it is not advisable to have a “U” (unauthorized withdrawal) on the transcript.

No refunds for total withdrawal will be forthcoming after the specified date of each quarter or semester. Check the SDSU or UC San Diego academic calendar for the last day to apply for a refund.