Closeup of Noah Stapper

Noah Stapper, M.S.

Pronouns: he, him, his

Doctoral Student

SDSU / UC San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology

San Diego

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Areas of Research

Noah’s research focuses on novel neuromodulation techniques, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), for the treatment of suicidality and treatment-resistant depression. He is particularly interested in studying the neurophysiological basis of these conditions and predictors for treatment outcome. Noah is working for the Interventional Psychiatry lab at UCSD under the mentorship for Dr. Daskalakis and Dr. Weissman.


Noah Stapper is a doctoral student in the SDSU / UC San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology.


Jeff Daskalakis, M.D., UC San Diego
Cory Weissman, M.D., UC San Diego


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  1. Fan, J. M., Khambhati, A. N., Sellers, K. K., Stapper, N., Maya, D. A., Kunwar, E., … & Krystal, A. D. (2023). Epileptiform discharges triggered with direct electrical stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: Factors that modulate risk and treatment considerations. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 16(2), 462-465.
  2. Sellers, K. K., Stapper, N., Maya, D. A. A., Henderson, C., Khambhati, A. N., Fan, J. M., … & Krystal, A. D. (2023). Changes in intracranial neurophysiology associated with acute COVID-19 infection. Clinical Neurophysiology.
  3. Sellers, K. K., Khambhati, A. N., Stapper, N., Fan, J. M., Rao, V. R., Scangos, K. W., … & Krystal, A. D. (2023) Closed-Loop Neurostimulation for Biomarker-Driven, Personalized Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder. Jove.
Awards & Honors
  1. SDSU University Graduate Fellowship (2023)