Entry Year


Major Area of Study



David Moore, PhD / Robert Heaton, PhD



Research Interests

Emily’s research broadly focuses on the impact of HIV infection and substance use on neurocognitive and daily functioning outcomes. Specifically, she is interested in the modifying effects of alcohol and substance use on aging with HIV infection.

Representative Publications
  • Fazeli, P. L., Casaletto, K., Paolillo, E., Moore, R. C., & Moore, D. J. (2017). Screening for Neurocognitive Impairment in HIV-positive Adults aged 50 and Older: Montreal Cognitive Assessment Relates to Self-Reported and Clinician Rated Functional Ability. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.

  • Paolillo, E. W., Gongvatana, A., Umlauf, A., & Moore, D. J. (in review). High-Level Alcohol Use Relates to Antiretroviral Therapy Non-Adherence in Adults Living with HIV/AIDS.

  • Moore, R.C., Paolillo, E.W., Heaton, A., Fazeli, P.L., Jeste, D.V., & Moore, D.J. (in review). Clinical utility of the UCSD Performance-Based Skills Assessment – Brief (UPSA-B) in adults living with HIV: Associations with neuropsychological impairment and patient-reported everyday functioning difficulties.

  • Oppenheim, H., Paolillo, E. W., Moore, R. C., & Moore, D. J. (in preparation). HIV and aging: frailty is associated with neurocognitive functioning.

  • Paolillo, E. W., Hussein, M., Obermeit, L. C., Heaton, A., Marquine, M. J., Moore, R. C., & Heaton, R. K. (in preparation). NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery (NIHTB-CB) validation in adults living with HIV/AIDS: ability to detect HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders.

  • 2015-2017: Institutional Research Training Grant, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA): T32 AA013525, Alcohol Research in the Science/Practitioner Model. PI: Edward P. Riley