Closeup of Christopher Fong

Christopher Fong, M.A.

Pronouns: Christopher

Doctoral Student

SDSU / UC San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology

San Diego

Areas of Research

Alcohol Use Disorders, PTSD, TBI, Multimodal Neuroimaging Techniques, Computerized Behavioral Tasks


My research focus is examining Alcohol use disorders, PTSD and TBI utilizing multimodal neuroimaging techniques and computerized behavioral tasks.


Andrea Spadoni (Townsend), Ph.D., UC San Diego


  1. M.A.Psychology
    San Diego State University
  1. Eill, A., Jahedi, A., Gao, Y., Kohli, J.S., Fong, C.H., Solders, S., Carper, R.A., Valafar, F., Bailey, B.A. & Müller, R.-A. (in press) Functional connectivities are more informative than anatomical variables in diagnostic classification of autism. Brain Connectivity.
  2. Reiter, M. A., Mash, L. E., Linke, A.C., Fong, C.H., Fishman, I., Müller, R.-A. (2018). Distinct patterns of atypical functional connectivity in lower-functioning autism. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, Epub, doi:
  3. Kohli, J.S., Kinnear, M.K., Fong, C.H., Fishman, I., Carper, R.A., Müller, R.-A. (2018). Local cortical gyrification is increased in children with autism spectrum disorders, but decreases rapidly in adolescents. Cerebral Cortex, Epub, doi:
  4. Harrington, D.L., Castillo, G.N., Fong, C.H., Reed, J.D. (2011). Neural underpinnings of distortions in the experience of time across senses. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 5, 32 doi:10.3389/fnint.2011.00032
  1. 2019-2021 Institutional Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA); National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA); Alcohol Research in the Science/Practitioner Model; NIH T32 AA013525; PI: Dr. Edward Riley.