First Name | Last Name | Suffix | Display Name | Title | Department | Research Interests | Student Opportunities | Campus | Profile URL | Alt Text | Image URL | Page Slug | ||
Linda Abarbanell, Ph.DAssociate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Cross-cultural cognitive psychology including the study of healthcare beliefs and practices across cultures, the development of scientific reasoning and other explanatory beliefs, and linguistic relativity Imperial Valley |
Linda | Abarbanell | Ph.D. | Linda Abarbanell, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Cross-cultural cognitive psychology including the study of healthcare beliefs and practices across cultures, the development of scientific reasoning and other explanatory beliefs, and linguistic relativity | No | Imperial Valley | | Closeup of Linda Abarbanell | | ||
Nader Amir, Ph.DProfessor of Psychology Department of Psychology Experimental Psychopathology with an emphasis on Anxiety Disorders, Cognitive Disturbances, Attentional Bias San Diego |
Nader | Amir | Ph.D. | Nader Amir, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Experimental Psychopathology with an emphasis on Anxiety Disorders, Cognitive Disturbances, Attentional Bias | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Nader Amir | | ||
David Armor, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
David | Armor | Ph.D. | David Armor, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | | Closeup of David Armor | | |||
Elva Arredondo, Ph.DProfessor of Psychology Department of Psychology Health Disparities, Chronic Disease Prevention, Dissemination and Implementation Science San Diego |
Elva | Arredondo | Ph.D. | Elva Arredondo, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Health Disparities, Chronic Disease Prevention, Dissemination and Implementation Science | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Elva Arredondo | | ||
Lacie Barber, Ph.DAssociate Graduate Advisor Department of Psychology Work-Life Balance, Telework, Workplace Telepressure, Employee Sleep, Worker Stress and Well-Being San Diego |
Lacie | Barber | Ph.D. | Lacie Barber, Ph.D. | Associate Graduate Advisor Professor of Psychology |
Department of Psychology | Work-Life Balance, Telework, Workplace Telepressure, Employee Sleep, Worker Stress and Well-Being | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Lacie Barber | | ||
Aaron Blashill, Ph.DProfessor of Psychology Department of Psychology Body Image, Health Behaviors, Sexual Orientation Health Disparities San Diego |
Aaron | Blashill | Ph.D. | Aaron Blashill, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Body Image, Health Behaviors, Sexual Orientation Health Disparities | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Aaron Blashill | | ||
Susan Brasser, Ph.DGraduate Advisor Department of Psychology Physiological mechanisms of action of ethanol on the nervous system that regulate behavioral ingestion of the drug San Diego |
Susan | Brasser | Ph.D. | Susan Brasser, Ph.D. | Graduate Advisor Associate Professor of Psychology |
Department of Psychology | Physiological mechanisms of action of ethanol on the nervous system that regulate behavioral ingestion of the drug | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Susan Brasser | | ||
Ruth Carper, Ph.DResearch Associate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Brain bases of autism from early development through aging. Methods include anatomical MRI and structural connectivity MRI (diffusion MRI) in combination with cognitive measures and other imaging modalities. Particular interest in the brain and cognitive changes that occur in middle age and aging in adults with autism. San Diego |
Ruth | Carper | Ph.D. | Ruth Carper, Ph.D. | Research Associate Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Brain bases of autism from early development through aging. Methods include anatomical MRI and structural connectivity MRI (diffusion MRI) in combination with cognitive measures and other imaging modalities. Particular interest in the brain and cognitive changes that occur in middle age and aging in adults with autism. | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Ruth Carper | | ||
Donna Castañeda, Ph.DProfessor of Psychology Emeritus Department of Psychology My work focuses on the role of gender and ethnicity in close relationships; health promotion in Latina/o communities; and how characteristics of service delivery systems influence the provision of health and mental health services. Imperial Valley |
Donna | Castañeda | Ph.D. | Donna Castañeda, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology Emeritus | Department of Psychology | My work focuses on the role of gender and ethnicity in close relationships; health promotion in Latina/o communities; and how characteristics of service delivery systems influence the provision of health and mental health services. | No | Imperial Valley | | Closeup of Donna Castañeda | | ||
Colby Chlebowski, Ph.DSDSU Psychology Clinic Director Department of Psychology Therapist training and effective implementation of evidence-based interventions in community settings, with special attention to neurodevelopmental disorders, children and families, and underserved groups. San Diego |
Colby | Chlebowski | Ph.D. | Colby Chlebowski, Ph.D. | SDSU Psychology Clinic Director | Department of Psychology | Therapist training and effective implementation of evidence-based interventions in community settings, with special attention to neurodevelopmental disorders, children and families, and underserved groups. | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Colby Chlebowski | | ||
Larisa Cicila, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
Larisa | Cicila | Ph.D. | Larisa Cicila, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | Closeup of Larisa Cicila | | ||||
Jeffrey Conte, Ph.DAssociate Chair Department of Psychology Personnel Assessment & Selection, Personality, Psychological Testing & Measurement, Temporal Issues, Time Management, Safety Factors. San Diego |
Jeffrey | Conte | Ph.D. | Jeffrey Conte, Ph.D. | Associate Chair Associate Professor of Psychology |
Department of Psychology | Personnel Assessment & Selection, Personality, Psychological Testing & Measurement, Temporal Issues, Time Management, Safety Factors. | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Jeffrey Conte | | ||
Elizabeth Cordero, Ph.DAssociate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Eating disorders and body image, including cultural and familial contributions to these issues; resilience and promotion of mental and physical wellbeing in college students; quality of life and relationship with the body among cancer patients and survivors; and mental-health issues pertaining to Latinos, women, and individuals from lower socioeconomic statuses. Imperial Valley |
Elizabeth | Cordero | Ph.D. | Elizabeth Cordero, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Eating disorders and body image, including cultural and familial contributions to these issues; resilience and promotion of mental and physical wellbeing in college students; quality of life and relationship with the body among cancer patients and survivors; and mental-health issues pertaining to Latinos, women, and individuals from lower socioeconomic statuses. | No | Imperial Valley | | Closeup of Elizabeth Cordero | | ||
Thereasa Cronan, Ph.DProfessor of Psychology Emeritus Department of Psychology Community Interventions, Community Psychology, Literacy Development, Multicultural Issues, Coping & Chronic Diseases, Health Care Utilization San Diego |
Thereasa | Cronan | Ph.D. | Thereasa Cronan, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology Emeritus | Department of Psychology | Community Interventions, Community Psychology, Literacy Development, Multicultural Issues, Coping & Chronic Diseases, Health Care Utilization | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Thereasa Cronan | | ||
Thierry Devos, Ph.DProfessor of Psychology Department of Psychology Diversity, Multiculturalism, Ethnic & National Identities, Social Identity, Intergroup Relations, Prejudice, Stereotypes, Discrimination, Implicit (automatic or unconscious) Biases San Diego |
Thierry | Devos | Ph.D. | Thierry Devos, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Diversity, Multiculturalism, Ethnic & National Identities, Social Identity, Intergroup Relations, Prejudice, Stereotypes, Discrimination, Implicit (automatic or unconscious) Biases | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Thierry Devos | | ||
Inna Fishman, Ph.D.Research Associate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Autism Spectrum and other Developmental Disorders, Autism Assessment and Diagnosis, Brain Development, Brain Imaging, Early Childhood Development, Clinical Neuropsychology San Diego |
Inna | Fishman | Ph.D. | Inna Fishman, Ph.D. | Research Associate Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Autism Spectrum and other Developmental Disorders, Autism Assessment and Diagnosis, Brain Development, Brain Imaging, Early Childhood Development, Clinical Neuropsychology | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Inna Fishman | | ||
Margaret Friend, Ph.DProfessor of Psychology Department of Psychology Language Learning, Literacy Development San Diego |
Margaret | Friend | Ph.D. | Margaret Friend, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Language Learning, Literacy Development | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Margaret Friend | | ||
Linda Gallo, Ph.DProfessor of Psychology Department of Psychology Psychological & Behavioral Processes in Chronic Disease Risk , Socioeconomic Status, Ethnicity-Related Health Inequities San Diego |
Linda | Gallo | Ph.D. | Linda Gallo, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Psychological & Behavioral Processes in Chronic Disease Risk , Socioeconomic Status, Ethnicity-Related Health Inequities | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Linda Gallo | | ||
Paul Gilbert, Ph.DDepartment Chair Department of Psychology Cognitive, Behavioral, Motor changes in Older Humans,Neurodegenerative Disease San Diego |
Paul | Gilbert | Ph.D. | Paul Gilbert, Ph.D. | Department Chair Professor of Psychology |
Department of Psychology | Cognitive, Behavioral, Motor changes in Older Humans,Neurodegenerative Disease | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Paul Gilbert | | ||
Dale Glaser, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
Dale | Glaser | Ph.D. | Dale Glaser, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | Closeup of Dale Glaser | |||||
Janice Hau, Ph.DResearch Assistant Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Diffusion MRI, Neuroanatomy, White matter, Autism Spectrum Disorder San Diego |
Janice | Hau | Ph.D. | Janice Hau, Ph.D. | Research Assistant Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Diffusion MRI, Neuroanatomy, White matter, Autism Spectrum Disorder | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Janice Hau | | ||
Jonathan Helm, Ph.DAssociate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Develops and refines statistical models that (1) measure psychological constructs, and (2) analyze longitudinal data San Diego |
Jonathan | Helm | Ph.D. | Jonathan Helm, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Develops and refines statistical models that (1) measure psychological constructs, and (2) analyze longitudinal data | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Jonathan Helm | | ||
Phillip Holcomb, Ph.DProfessor of Psychology Department of Psychology Human Cognition, Language Comprehension & Production, Electrophysiological Measures San Diego |
Phillip | Holcomb | Ph.D. | Phillip Holcomb, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Human Cognition, Language Comprehension & Production, Electrophysiological Measures | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Phillip Holcomb | | ||
Keith Horvath, Ph.DProfessor of Psychology Department of Psychology Testing HIV Prevention Treatment, Health Interventions for Sexual & Gender Minorities San Diego |
Keith | Horvath | Ph.D. | Keith Horvath, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Testing HIV Prevention Treatment, Health Interventions for Sexual & Gender Minorities | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Keith Horvath | | ||
Tristen Inagaki, Ph.DAssociate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Social Connection and Health, Social Neuroscience, Health Neuroscience San Diego |
Tristen | Inagaki | Ph.D. | Tristen Inagaki, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Social Connection and Health, Social Neuroscience, Health Neuroscience | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Tristen Inagaki | | ||
R. Joanne Jao Keehn, Ph.DResearch Assistant Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Autism, Sensory Processing, Multisensory Integration, Sensorimotor Development, Functional Neuroimaging, Stress Responsivity San Diego |
R. Joanne | Jao Keehn | Ph.D | R. Joanne Jao Keehn, Ph.D | Research Assistant Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Autism, Sensory Processing, Multisensory Integration, Sensorimotor Development, Functional Neuroimaging, Stress Responsivity | No | San Diego | | Closeup of R. Joanne Jao Keehn | | ||
Emily Kappenman, Ph.DAssociate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Cognition, Emotion, their Interactions, and their Neural Substrates San Diego |
Emily | Kappenman | Ph.D. | Emily Kappenman, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Cognition, Emotion, their Interactions, and their Neural Substrates | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Emily Kappenman | | ||
Lisa Kath, Ph.DAssociate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Occupational Health Psychology, Worker Stress, Worker Safety San Diego |
Lisa | Kath | Ph.D. | Lisa Kath, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Occupational Health Psychology, Worker Stress, Worker Safety | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Lisa Kath | | ||
Heidi Kraft, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
Heidi | Kraft | Ph.D. | Heidi Kraft, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Heidi Kraft | | |||
Mark Laumakis, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
Mark | Laumakis | Ph.D. | Mark Laumakis, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Mark Laumakis | | |||
Annika Linke, Ph.D.Research Assistant Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Neuroscience, Brain Imaging, Neurodevelopmental Disorders San Diego |
Annika | Linke | Ph.D. | Annika Linke, Ph.D. | Research Assistant Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Neuroscience, Brain Imaging, Neurodevelopmental Disorders | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Annika Linke | | ||
Vanessa Malcarne, Ph.D.Co-Director, SDSU/UC San Diego JDP in Clinical Psychology Department of Psychology Adjustment to chronic illness in children and adults; beliefs about physical and mental illness; measurement of ethnic identity and acculturation; ethnicity and psychopathology San Diego |
Vanessa | Malcarne | Ph.D. | Vanessa Malcarne, Ph.D. | Co-Director, SDSU/UC San Diego JDP in Clinical Psychology Professor of Psychology |
Department of Psychology | Adjustment to chronic illness in children and adults; beliefs about physical and mental illness; measurement of ethnic identity and acculturation; ethnicity and psychopathology | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Vanessa Malcarne | | ||
Ksenija Marinkovic, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Distributed Neural Circuits underlying cognitive and affective functions such as cognitive control, Language, Face Perception San Diego |
Ksenija | Marinkovic | Ph.D. | Ksenija Marinkovic, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Distributed Neural Circuits underlying cognitive and affective functions such as cognitive control, Language, Face Perception | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Ksenija Marinkovic | | ||
David Marx, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Social Cognition, Stereotypes, Social Comparison, Attention San Diego |
David | Marx | Ph.D. | David Marx, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Social Cognition, Stereotypes, Social Comparison, Attention | No | San Diego | | Closeup of David Marx | | ||
Georg Matt, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Human exposure to tobacco smoke toxicants and evaluates policies aimed at protecting nonsmokers from their harmful effects San Diego |
Georg | Matt | Ph.D. | Georg Matt, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Human exposure to tobacco smoke toxicants and evaluates policies aimed at protecting nonsmokers from their harmful effects | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Georg Matt | | ||
Sarah Mattson Weller, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Child Neuropsychology, Behavioral Teratology, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome San Diego |
Sarah | Mattson Weller | Ph.D. | Sarah Mattson Weller, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Child Neuropsychology, Behavioral Teratology, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Sarah Mattson Weller | | ||
Jessica McCurley, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Behavioral Economics, Implementation Science, Community-Based Participatory Methods to develop and evaluate interventions that address social determinants of health (e.g., food and housing insecurity) and reduce disparities in depression and chronic cardiometabolic diseases (e.g., obesity, type 2 diabetes) in Hispanic/Latinx individuals and low-income populations San Diego |
Jessica | McCurley | Ph.D. | Jessica McCurley, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Behavioral Economics, Implementation Science, Community-Based Participatory Methods to develop and evaluate interventions that address social determinants of health (e.g., food and housing insecurity) and reduce disparities in depression and chronic cardiometabolic diseases (e.g., obesity, type 2 diabetes) in Hispanic/Latinx individuals and low-income populations | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Jessica McCurley | | ||
Katherine Midgley , Ph.DResearch Associate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Bilingualism and second language acquisition – the cognitive and neural processes involved in using and acquiring a vocabulary in a second language and the processing of emotional vocabulary in a second language using event-related potentials (ERPs) and behavioral measures. San Diego |
Katherine | Midgley | Ph.D. | Katherine Midgley , Ph.D. | Research Associate Professor of Psychology Lecturer |
Department of Psychology | Bilingualism and second language acquisition – the cognitive and neural processes involved in using and acquiring a vocabulary in a second language and the processing of emotional vocabulary in a second language using event-related potentials (ERPs) and behavioral measures. | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Katherine Midgley | | ||
Claire Murphy, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Behavioral Economics, Implementation Science, Community-Based Participatory Methods to develop and evaluate interventions that address social determinants of health (e.g., food and housing insecurity) and reduce disparities in depression and chronic cardiometabolic diseases (e.g., obesity, type 2 diabetes) in Hispanic/Latinx individuals and low-income populations San Diego |
Claire | Murphy | Ph.D. | Claire Murphy, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Behavioral Economics, Implementation Science, Community-Based Participatory Methods to develop and evaluate interventions that address social determinants of health (e.g., food and housing insecurity) and reduce disparities in depression and chronic cardiometabolic diseases (e.g., obesity, type 2 diabetes) in Hispanic/Latinx individuals and low-income populations | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Claire Murphy | |||
Joseph Price, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Emeritus Department of Psychology Understanding the parameters of the social-environmental conditions (i.e., parent and peers relationships) necessary for normal development, the consequences for individual development when social-environmental conditions fall outside the species-normal range, and how best to develop and implement intervention programs for children whose social-environmental conditions fail to provide the conditions necessary for normal development San Diego |
Joseph | Price | Ph.D. | Joseph Price, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology Emeritus | Department of Psychology | Understanding the parameters of the social-environmental conditions (i.e., parent and peers relationships) necessary for normal development, the consequences for individual development when social-environmental conditions fall outside the species-normal range, and how best to develop and implement intervention programs for children whose social-environmental conditions fail to provide the conditions necessary for normal development | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Joseph Price | |||
Radmila Prislin, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Emeritus Department of Psychology Social influence and social change, group dynamics in the aftermath of social change, attitudes and persuasion, and the evaluation of public health programs San Diego |
Radmila | Prislin | Ph.D. | Radmila Prislin, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology Emeritus | Department of Psychology | Social influence and social change, group dynamics in the aftermath of social change, attitudes and persuasion, and the evaluation of public health programs | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Radmila Prislin | |||
Cristina Rodriguez, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
Cristina | Rodriguez | Ph.D. | Cristina Rodriguez, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | Closeup of Cristina Rodriguez | | ||||
Scott Roesch, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Advanced Statistical Methodologies, Multilevel Models, Measurement Equivalence, Meta-Analysis San Diego |
Scott | Roesch | Ph.D. | Scott Roesch, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Advanced Statistical Methodologies, Multilevel Models, Measurement Equivalence, Meta-Analysis | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Scott Roesch | | ||
Melody Sadler, Ph.D.Director of Undergraduate Advising Department of Psychology Category Differentiation, Inter-Group Evaluative Bias, Stereotyping, Prejudice in Groups, Implications for Information Processing San Diego |
Melody | Sadler | Ph.D. | Melody Sadler, Ph.D. | Director of Undergraduate Advising Professor of Psychology |
Department of Psychology | Category Differentiation, Inter-Group Evaluative Bias, Stereotyping, Prejudice in Groups, Implications for Information Processing | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Melody Sadler | |||
Shawna Saponjic, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
Shawna | Saponjic | Ph.D. | Shawna Saponjic, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Shawna Saponjic | | |||
Seraphina Solders, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
Seraphina | Solders | Ph.D. | Seraphina Solders, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Seraphina Solders | | |||
Angela Somo, M.A.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
Angela | Somo | M.A. | Angela Somo, M.A. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Angela Somo | | |||
Ariana Stickel, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Brain Research In Latino Life-course Aging (BRILLA) Lab primarily examines the impact of cardiovascular disease risk factors on cognition and risk for dementia San Diego |
Ariana | Stickel | Ph.D. | Ariana Stickel, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Brain Research In Latino Life-course Aging (BRILLA) Lab primarily examines the impact of cardiovascular disease risk factors on cognition and risk for dementia | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Ariana Stickel | | ||
Dustin Thoman, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Social Identity, Social Interactions, Motivational Experiences, Self-Regulation of Motivation, Participation & Diversity in Science Education San Diego |
Dustin | Thoman | Ph.D. | Dustin Thoman, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Social Identity, Social Interactions, Motivational Experiences, Self-Regulation of Motivation, Participation & Diversity in Science Education | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Dustin Thoman | | ||
Jennifer Thomas, Ph.D.Graduate Advisor Department of Psychology Behavioral Teratology, Developmental Neuroanatomy & Psychobiology, Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders San Diego |
Jennifer | Thomas | Ph.D. | Jennifer Thomas, Ph.D. | Graduate Advisor Professor of Psychology |
Department of Psychology | Behavioral Teratology, Developmental Neuroanatomy & Psychobiology, Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Jennifer Thomas | | ||
Duyen Trang, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology Theoretical Models of Development, Study Design, Implementation, Quantitative & Qualitative Research Methods, Support Diverse Populations San Diego |
Duyen | Trang | Ph.D. | Duyen Trang, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Theoretical Models of Development, Study Design, Implementation, Quantitative & Qualitative Research Methods, Support Diverse Populations | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Duyen Trang | | ||
Katherine Turner, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology |
Katherine | Turner | Ph.D. | Katherine Turner, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | | Closeup of Katherine Turner | | ||||
Jean Twenge, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology How culture affects individuals-particularly how the young generation is different and why San Diego |
Jean | Twenge | Ph.D. | Jean Twenge, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | How culture affects individuals-particularly how the young generation is different and why | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Jean Twenge | | ||
Emilio Ulloa, Ph.DAssociate Chief Diversity Officer HSI & Regional Affairs Department of Psychology Physical, Sexual, and Emotional Violence among Adolescents, Young Adults, and College Students; Commercial sexual exploitation of children/CSEC; Romantic Relationship Violence. San Diego |
Emilio | Ulloa | Ph.D. | Emilio Ulloa, Ph.D. | Associate Chief Diversity Officer HSI & Regional Affairs Student Services Professional, Academic-Related 3 |
Department of Psychology | Physical, Sexual, and Emotional Violence among Adolescents, Young Adults, and College Students; Commercial sexual exploitation of children/CSEC; Romantic Relationship Violence. | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Emilio Ulloa | | ||
Arjan Van Der Star, Ph.DResearch Assistant Faculty of Psychology Department of Psychology Sexual orientation-based and gender identity-based mental health disparities; minority stress; structural stigma; systems of oppression; social epidemiology. San Diego |
Arjan | Van Der Star | Ph.D. | Arjan Van Der Star, Ph.D. | Student Services Professional, Academic-Related 3 | Department of Psychology | Sexual orientation-based and gender identity-based mental health disparities; minority stress; structural stigma; systems of oppression; social epidemiology. | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Arjan Van Der Star | | ||
Sylvanna M. Vargas, Ph.D., MPHAssistant Professor Department of Psychology Disparities in Youth Depression and Suicide, Intersectional Minority Stress, Implementation Science, Mental Health Services Student Opportunities San Diego |
Sylvanna M. | Vargas | Ph.D., MPH | Sylvanna M. Vargas, Ph.D., MPH | Assistant Professor | Department of Psychology | Disparities in Youth Depression and Suicide, Intersectional Minority Stress, Implementation Science, Mental Health Services | Yes | San Diego | | Closeup of Sylvanna Vargas | | ||
Allison Vaughn, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Social Relationships & Health, Impacts to Mental Health, Physical Health & Work-Related Areas, Stereotypes & Prejudice toward lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals San Diego |
Allison | Vaughn | Ph.D. | Allison Vaughn, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Social Relationships & Health, Impacts to Mental Health, Physical Health & Work-Related Areas, Stereotypes & Prejudice toward lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Allison Vaughn | | ||
Feion Villodas, Ph.D., MPHClinical Supervisor Department of Psychology Behavioral Medicine San Diego |
Feion | Villodas | Ph.D., MPH | Feion Villodas, Ph.D., MPH | Clinical Supervisor | Department of Psychology SDSU Psychology Clinic |
Behavioral Medicine | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Feion Villodas | | ||
Miguel Villodas, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Healthy Child, Family Development San Diego |
Miguel | Villodas | Ph.D. | Miguel Villodas, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Healthy Child, Family Development | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Miguel Villodas | | ||
V. Robin Weersing, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Effective & Efficient Interventions for Anxiety, Depression in Children & Adolescents San Diego |
Vanessa | Weersing | Ph.D. | Vanessa Weersing, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Effective & Efficient Interventions for Anxiety, Depression in Children & Adolescents | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Vanessa Weersing | | ||
James Weinrich, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
James | Weinrich | Ph.D. | James Weinrich, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | | Closeup of James Weinrich | ||||
Kristen Wells, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Cancer-related Disparities, Cancer Communication, Patient Navigation, Community Health Workers, Systemic Reviews, Survey Design San Diego |
Kristen | Wells | Ph.D. | Kristen Wells, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Cancer-related Disparities, Cancer Communication, Patient Navigation, Community Health Workers, Systemic Reviews, Survey Design | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Kristen Wells | | ||
Jillian Lee Wiggins, Ph.D.Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Brain activation patterns involved in typical and impaired socio-emotional development (for example, social interaction with other people, Reading people’s emotions, Reacting to people’s facial expressions) San Diego |
Jillian | Wiggins | Ph.D. | Jillian Lee Wiggins, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Brain activation patterns involved in typical and impaired socio-emotional development (for example, social interaction with other people, Reading people’s emotions, Reacting to people’s facial expressions) | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Jillian Lee Wiggins | | ||
May Yeh, Ph.DAssociate Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Mental health Services Delivery for Children, Cultural Competence, School Involvement in Services, Culturally Diverse Populations San Diego |
May | Yeh | Ph.D. | May Yeh, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Mental health Services Delivery for Children, Cultural Competence, School Involvement in Services, Culturally Diverse Populations | No | San Diego | | Closeup of May Yeh | | ||
Jennie Kuckertz, Ph.DLecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) across the lifespan, exposure therapy in real-world settings for OCD and anxiety San Diego |
Jennie | Kuckertz | Ph.D. | Jennie Kuckertz, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) across the lifespan, exposure therapy in real-world settings for OCD and anxiety | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Jennie Kuckertz | | ||
Wiston Rodriguez, Ph.DAssistant Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Occupational Health Psychology (e.g., Workplace Mistreatment, Illegitimate Tasks, and Work-Nonwork Interface), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusions (e.g., Unique Experiences of LGBTQ+ Employees) Student Opportunities San Diego |
Wiston | Rodriguez | Ph.D. | Wiston Rodriguez, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Occupational Health Psychology (e.g., Workplace Mistreatment, Illegitimate Tasks, and Work-Nonwork Interface), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusions (e.g., Unique Experiences of LGBTQ+ Employees) | Yes | San Diego | | Closeup of Wiston Rodriguez | | ||
Jane Leer, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Child Development, Adolescent Development, Neighborhoods, Social Policy, Race, Poverty, Inequality. Student Opportunities San Diego |
Jane | Leer | Ph.D. | Jane Leer, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Child Development, Adolescent Development, Neighborhoods, Social Policy, Race, Poverty, Inequality | Yes | San Diego | | Closeup of Jane Leer | | ||
Sara Roldan, PsyDLecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology Social Relationships, Health and leadership, Trauma-Informed Care, Bottom-Up Techniques, Community Building and inclusion, Therapeutic Efficacy of Video Games, Geek Culture, and Fandom in Military, First Responders, BIPOC, and Neurodivergent Populations. San Diego |
Sara | Roldan | PsyD | Sara Roldan, PsyD | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Social Relationships, Health and leadership, Trauma-Informed Care, Bottom-Up Techniques, Community Building and inclusion, Therapeutic Efficacy of Video Games, Geek Culture, and Fandom in Military, First Responders, BIPOC, and Neurodivergent Populations. | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Sara Roldan | | ||
Ann Garland, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
Ann | Garland | Ph.D. | Ann Garland, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Ann Garland | | |||
Crystal Wang, Ph.D.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology San Diego |
Crystal | Wang | Ph.D. | Crystal Wang, Ph.D. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Crystal Wang | | |||
Lindsay Benster, M.S.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology Intervention studies for severe and treatment resistant mental illness, particularly through examining various forms of neurostimulation. Additionally, identifying neurophysiological biomarkers for treatment efficacy. San Diego |
Lindsay | Benster | M.S. | Lindsay Benster, M.S. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Intervention studies for severe and treatment resistant mental illness, particularly through examining various forms of neurostimulation. Additionally, identifying neurophysiological biomarkers for treatment efficacy. | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Lindsay Benster | | ||
Vanessa Serrano, M.S., MPHLecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology Biological and Neuropsychological Markers of Aging San Diego |
Vanessa | Serrano | M.S., MPH | Vanessa Serrano, M.S., MPH | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Biological and Neuropsychological Markers of Aging | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Vanessa Serrano | | ||
Christine D’Amico, M.A.Lecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology Positive Developmental Psychology, Adolescent Career Purpose Development, Antecedents of Purpose San Diego |
Christine | D’Amico | M.A. | Christine D’Amico, M.A. | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Positive Developmental Psychology, Adolescent Career Purpose Development, Antecedents of Purpose | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Christine D’Amico | | ||
Stanley LiangLecturer of Psychology Department of Psychology Areas of Expertise: Molecular Mechanisms of Learning, Neurobiology, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, Fragile X Syndrome San Diego |
Stanley | Liang | Stanley Liang | Lecturer of Psychology | Department of Psychology | Areas of Expertise: Molecular Mechanisms of Learning, Neurobiology, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, Fragile X Syndrome | No | San Diego | | Closeup of Stanley Liang | |