Our M.A. Program in Psychology is a research-oriented program designed to prepare students so they are competitive for Ph.D. programs. Students who do not continue onto Ph.D. programs gain experience that prepares them for a number of research jobs in research, medical, and academic settings. In our program, students take classes and conduct research in one of the following exciting areas: Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Physical and/or Mental Health, and Social Psychology.
For more detailed information on our program: https://psychology.sdsu.edu/graduate/current-ma-students/ma-program-info/
For a handout of program information: https://psychology.sdsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/SDSU-MA-Program-in-Psychology-Overview-2024.pdf
For information on faculty research programs: https://psychology.sdsu.edu/people/faculty-by-research-area/
Our M.S. Program in Applied Psychology is a research-oriented program that prepares students for jobs that require the application of psychological knowledge. This program includes a track in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and a track in Quantitative Methods (Quantitative Methods will be replacing the ‘Program Evaluation’ track). This degree enables students to work in corporations, consulting firms, and research labs, and it also can prepare a student for entry into a Ph.D. program. To earn their degrees, students take classes, work in a research lab, complete a required research thesis, and complete 300 hours in an approved internship.
For more detailed information on our program: https://msappliedpsych.sdsu.edu/
FAQs: https://psychology.sdsu.edu/graduate/masters-programs/prospective-students/faq-prospective-students/
For a handout of program information: https://psychology.sdsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/SDSU-MS-Program-in-Applied-Psychology-Overview-2024.pdf
Information Session
For more program information, please review the presentation slides from the 2024 Virtual Open House.
Also, an overview of the department’s programs is available to watch from the 2024 information session recording.
Other Programs of Interest
Interested in Becoming a Counselor?
Our M.A. program focuses on research and not counseling. If you are interested in counseling, marriage and family therapy, or school psychology, please look at the programs offered through the College of Education at SDSU: https://education.sdsu.edu/csp/programs-of-study/school-psychology. SDSU also has a master of social work program: https://socialwork.sdsu.edu/degrees-programs/graduate-programs/
Interested in the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology?
For information on the joint SDSU/UC San Diego doctoral program in psychology: http://clinpsyc.sdsu.edu/