It is with mixed emotions that we share the news that Dr. Elizabeth Klonoff has accepted the offer to become the new VP for Research and Dean […]
It is with mixed emotions that we share the news that Dr. Elizabeth Klonoff has accepted the offer to become the new VP for Research and Dean […]
Nineteen of our psychology undergraduate students studying abroad arrived safely in Milan, Italy. They are studying abroad as part of the PSY 344/PSY 442 course […]
Congratulations to the winner of the 2016 Parker Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Paper in Psychology, Seraphina Solders! Seraphina’s paper was titled: Group differences in head […]
After winning the President’s Award at the San Diego State Student Research Symposium (SRS), Brandonn Zamudio wins again! He went on to compete at the […]
Duyen Trang, mentored by Dr. Joe Price, presented her findings Experiencing and Witnessing Domestic Violence as Predictors of Child Attributions at WPA held April 28th-May 1st […]