About the “Becky” Award

The Bryson-Kissinger family established the Rebecca Bryson-Kissinger Memorial Award in 2000 to honor the memory of our former faculty colleague, who for many years served as the Psychology Department’s Graduate Adviser. The award, affectionately known as the “Becky,” is given to the Master’s student in the Department of Psychology whose thesis has been selected as the best from among those submitted during that academic year. The winner will receive a $500 award.

In the summer of each year a committee of the faculty reviews the theses submitted, and selects the thesis that should receive the award. In order for a thesis to be considered for this award, the student must be registered in the Master’s Program in the Department of Psychology at SDSU for the academic year in which the award is presented.  The thesis need not have been defended at the time of submission.

Submission materials include three PDF documents that are emailed to the chair of the review committee: (1) a copy of the thesis, (2) a letter of support from the thesis committee chair, and (3) a 3 to 5 page, double spaced summary of the thesis. The submission deadline is typically about the middle of August.

The review committee uses the following criteria in reviewing the theses.
1. Originality of idea vs. extension of others’ work
2. Ability to conceptualize question under study
3. Quality of experimental design and methodology
4. Degree of effort required to collect or access data
5. Quality of writing
6. Appropriateness of statistics and their interpretation
7. Understanding of and success in communicating the importance of the research/contribution to society
8. Difficulty of acquiring knowledge and facility with techniques for performing research
9. Degree to which students worked independently on developing the research question, designing and implementing research, analyzing data and writing thesis.

2024Judy Mahmalji Early Brain Connectivity Patterns and Language Skills in Preschoolers with AutismInna Fishman 
2023Alisandra Macias Exploring Relationships Between Acculturation, Familísmo, and Parental Familísmo Values and Young Adult Latino Mental Health Stigma and Help-Seeking AttitudesMay Yeh
2022Xavier Elzie Fathering Identity and Roles: Associations with Parenting Stress, Discipline, and Children’s Behavior ProblemsMiguel Villodas
2021Apeksha SridharReconfiguration of Neural Networks in AdolescentsAnnika Linke, R. Joanne Jao Keehn, and Ralph-Axel Mueller
2020Kelsey Bajet Relational Self-Change in Romantic CouplesAllison Vaughn
2019Allyson Masters  Characteristics of parent-child engagement in Spanish- and English-speaking dyadsMargaret Friend
2018David PerryDoes ethnic diversity in neighborhood schools moderate the relationship between neighborhood-level ethnic diversity and individual implicit perceptions of national identityThierry Devos
2017Siyuan Huang  Binge drinking is associated with reduced EEG-based indices of emotional processing and memory retrievalKsenija Marinković
2016Jacqueline (Jackie) SchnappDyadic perceptions of depression and anxiety in romantic relationshipsAllison Vaughn
2015Ashley TracasCommunication and sexual behaviors among friends with benefits partnersAllison Vaughn
2014  Bryan AasenHow polychronicity moderates relationships between work-family conflict and work outcomesJeff Conte
2013Lauren FarahnakThe influence of transformational leadership and leader attitudes on subordinate attitudes and implementation successMark Ehrhart
2012Melissa OatesHow do transformational leaders reduce managerial stress? A comparison of mediated and mode rated models.Mark Ehrhart
2011Patricia ShihA typical maturation and functional differentiation of superior temporal sulcus in autism: A functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging studyAxel Müller
2010John HegartyAssessment of Associations of Known AD Risk Factors and the Medial Temporal and Orbitofrontal Lobes: A Volumetric MRI StudyClaire Murphy
2009Danielle SalomonczykPostural Control in Preclinical Huntington’s DiseasePaul Gilbert
2008Nicole CrockerComparison of Adaptive Behavior in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderSarah Mattson Weller
2007Laurie BrennerAn Eye-tracking and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Visual Search in Adolescents with High-functioning AutismAxel Müller
2006Two Winners
Pancho Aguirre

Hayley Isaacs
 An investigation of the moderating effects of nations and work centrality on the spillover between job satisfaction and life satisfaction  

Customer Service Performance: The Effects of Support, Emotion Regulation Strategy, and Empowerment
Kate Hattrup

Mark Ehrhart
2005Elizabeth JacobsGroup fairness preferences in the aftermath of changeRadmilla Prislin
2004Yukiko YokoyamaSilent in the Classroom: Implicit Self-Stereotyping among Students of Asian DescentThierry Devos