Kristen Frosio standing in front of poster
Kristen Frosio presents her poster on, “Cognitive processing differences between obsessional thoughts and excessive worries”
student standing in front of poster
Joanna Sarinana presents her poster on, “Associations Between Fatalistic Beliefs and Cardiometabolic Health Risk Indicators in Latinas”


Two psychology students won outstanding research awards at the Society for the Advancement of Chicano and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) conference in Seattle, WA, Oct. 11-14.

Kristen Frosio, a scholar in the NIH Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) program and  a proud member of the Wichita & Affiliated Tribes,  presented her poster on “Cognitive processing differences between obsessional thoughts and excessive worries.”  Her faculty mentor is Dr. Nader Amir.

Joanna Sarinana, a McNair scholar, presented her poster on, “Associations Between Fatalistic Beliefs and Cardiometabolic Health Risk Indicators in Latinas.”  Her faculty mentors are Dr. Linda Gallo and Dr. Patricia Gonzalez.

Congratulations to both students on their hard work!