Congratulations to the winner of the 2022 Parker Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Paper in Psychology, Sofia Ortega! Sofia paper was titled: “The ERP Response to Semantic Categorization in an Object Recognition Megastudy.” Sofia was mentored by Dr. Phil Holcomb. The paper represents Sofia’s honors thesis.

Sofia graduated Summa Cum Lauda in May with a BA in Psychology with a Neuroscience emphasis. She worked as an RA in the NeuroCognition Lab (NCL) for the last two years and performed a really excellent Senior Honors project focused on the neural mechanisms involved in visual object recognition. The work for this project was presented this past March at the International Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting in San Francisco. Sofia will be staying on as the lab manager at the NCL after she finishes a prestigious summer neuroscience fellowship at Gallaudet University in July. Sofia has plans to get her PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and we all have high expectations that she will go on to a very successful career in academia.
The Parker Award, which recognizes the most outstanding paper written by an undergraduate student in psychology.