Closeup of Jane Leer

Jane Leer, Ph.D.

Pronouns: she, her

Assistant Professor of Psychology

College of Sciences
Department of Psychology

San Diego

Office Hours

By Appointment

Suite 222
6475 Alvarado Road
San Diego, CA 92182
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Areas of Expertise

Child Development, Adolescent Development, Neighborhoods, Social Policy, Race, Poverty, Inequality

Student Opportunities

  • Accepting M.A. students in Fall 2025.


Jane Leer is an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department at San Diego State University. Her research aims to understand and mitigate inequities in youth mental health and education outcomes by focusing on context (e.g., contexts of race and class inequities in schools and neighborhoods, social policies of housing assistance and family support services). She has two main lines of research:

(1) How do neighborhood, school, and family contexts shape developmental processes such as youth mental health, academic engagement, and social cognition (e.g., beliefs about inequality, aspirations and expectations for social mobility)?

(2) How can social policies that aim to alter these contexts more equitably serve diverse populations and mitigate poverty and racism-related inequities?

She uses a variety of methods, including causal inference analyses of linked survey, Census, and large-scale administrative data, impact evaluations of social policies and programs (e.g., natural experiments, field experiments), and qualitative methods.

Jane Leer’s work is informed by her unique interdisciplinary training and community-based research experience in the US, Latin America, and West Africa. Her research has been published in leading journals including Child Development, Developmental Psychology, and the Journal of Early Adolescence.

She has received generous funding from internal and external agencies, such as the American Psychological Association, the Society for Research in Child Development, and the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.


  1. [COURSE 1 – Title]
  2. [COURSE 2 – Title]
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  1. Postdoctoral fellowship, Boston College
  2. Ph.D., Duke University
  3. M.S., Stanford University
  4. B.A., University of California, Berkeley
  1. Leer, J., Smith, I. Z., Hill, Z., & Gennetian, L. A. (2025). Social contexts and black families’ engagement in early childhood programs. PloS one, 20(1), e0316680.
  2. Leer, Jane, Rick H. Hoyle, and Candice L. Odgers. “Direct and indirect pathways linking gentrification to adolescent reading and math achievement via educational aspirations and psychological distress.” Developmental Psychology (2024).
  3. Leer, J., Hoyle, R. & Odgers, C. Direct and Indirect Pathways Linking Gentrification to Adolescent Reading and Math Achievement via Educational Aspirations and Psychological Distress (forthcoming at Developmental Psychology).
  4. Leer, J., Gaither, S., & Gassman-Pines, A. (2024). It’s Not What You Say It’s What You Do: School Diversity Ideologies and Adolescent Mental Health and Academic Engagement. Journal of Research on Adolescence, Special Issue: Advancing Studies of Adolescent Development from Bench Science to Preventive Interventions and Policy Through Interdisciplinary Research.
  5. Straka, B. C., Albuja, A., Leer, J., Brauher, K., & Gaither, S. E. (2024). The rich get richer? Children’s reasoning about socioeconomic status predicts inclusion and resource bias. Developmental Psychology, 60(3), 505–521.
  6. Leer, J., Lopez Boo, F., & *Norman, S. (2023). Supporting Child & Family Resilience in the Face of Political Violence: Evidence from a Home Visit Parenting Program. Child Development. Special Issue: Registered Reports.
  7. Alemann, C., Daga, G., Leer, J., & Lopez Boo, F. (2022). Violencia Intima de Pareja y Desarrollo Infantil Temprano (Intimate Partner Violence and Early Childhood Development). PanAmerican Journal of Public Health. 8(46):e195. doi: 10.26633/RPSP.2022.195
  8. Gassman-Pines, A., Ananat, E.O., Fitz-Henley, II, J. & Leer, J. (2022). Effects of Daily School and Care Disruptions on Child Behavior Problems. Developmental Psychology. 58(8), 1512–1527.
  9. Leer, J., Gassman-Pines, A., Dje Ble, E., Kainessie, J., Kennedy, C, Press, S., & Schubert, H. (2022). Young Adolescents' Endorsement of Restrictive Gender Norms: Evidence from a Community-Based Intervention in Cote d'Ivoire and Sierra Leone. Journal of Early Adolescence. 42(4), 453–481.
  10. Leer, J., Gaither, S., & Gassman-Pines, A. (2021). Behavioral Science Interventions: Integrating the Decision Task, Context, and Individual Differences to Inform Policy. Translational Issues in Psychological Science. Special Issue: Psychological Science and Public Policy. 7(1), 46–54.
  11. Leer, J. & Lopez Boo, F. (2018). Assessing the Quality of Home Visit Parenting Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Early Child Development and Care. 89(13), 2183-2196, doi: 10.1080/03004430.2018.1443922
  12. Dowd, A.J., Friedlander, E., Jonason, C., Leer, J., Sorensen, L.Z., Guajardo, J., D'Sa, N., Pava, C., & Pisani, L. (2017). Lifewide Learning for Early Reading Development. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. (155):31- 49. doi: 10.1002/cad.20193
  13. Leer, J. (2016). After the Big Bang: Estimating the effects of decentralization on educational outcomes in Indonesia through a difference-in-differences analysis. International Journal of Educational Development. 49:80–90.
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