Donna Castañeda, Ph.D.
Pronouns: She, her, hers, ella
Professor of Psychology Emeritus
College of Sciences
Department of Psychology
Imperial Valley
- dcastaneda@sdsu.edu
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- 760-768-5586
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Areas of Expertise
Gender and Ethnicity in Close Relationships Health Promotion in Latina/o Communities, Characteristics of Service Delivery Systems Influence the Provision of Health and Mental Health Services
Student Opportunities
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Donna Castaneda works for the Department of Psychology within the College of Sciences at the Imperial Valley campus as a Professor Emeritus.
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- Ph.D. Social Psychology
University of California, Davis - M.A. Social Psychology
University of California, Davis - B.A. Psychology
University of Washington
- Castañeda, D., Flores, Y., & Flores Niemann, Y. (2020). Senior Chicana feminist scholars—Some notes on survival in hostile contexts. In Presumed Incompetent II: Race, Class, Power, and Resistance of Women in Academia. Utah State University Press.
- Castañeda, D. (2017). Sexting and sexuality in the romantic relationships of Latina/o emerging adults. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 12, 120-135. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15546128.2017.1298069
- Castañeda, D., & Burns-Glover, A. (2017). Women’s friendships and romantic relationships: Culture, sexuality, and lifespan contexts. In F. Denmark & M. Paludi (Eds.), Psychology of women: A handbook of issues and theories, 3rd ed. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers.
- Hammett, J. F., Castañeda, D., & Ulloa, E. C. (2016). Predicting mental health based on partners’ marital distress: A latent profile analysis. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/1066480716648685
- Hammett, J. F., Ulloa, E. C., Castañeda, D., & Hokoda, A. (2016). Intimate partner violence victimization and romantic relationship distress among Caucasian and Mexican American newlyweds. Violence and Victims, 32(2), 326-341. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/0886-6708.VV-D-15-00106
- Hammett, J. F., Castañeda, D., & Ulloa, E. C. (2015). The association between two types of communication behaviors and intimate partner violence among Caucasian and Mexican American couples: A dyadic approach. Journal of Family Violence. DOI: 10.1007/s10896-015-9762-2
- Castañeda, D. (Ed.). (2013). The essential handbook of women’s sexuality: Meanings, development, and worldwide views, Vol. I. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
- Castañeda, D. (Ed.). (2013). The essential handbook of women’s sexuality: Diversity, health, and violence, Vol. II. Santa Barbara, CA:Praeger.
- Castañeda, D., & Lara, D. (2013). HIV/AIDS and women’s sexuality. In D. Castañeda (Ed.), The essential handbook of women’s sexuality, Vol. II. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
- Ulloa, E., Kisse, J., Castañeda, D., & Hokoda, A. (2013). Teen relationship violence: An international perspective. In J. A. Sigal & F. L. Denmark (Eds.), Violence against girls and women: An international perspective. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
- Espinoza, G., Hokoda, A., Ulloa, E., Ulibarri, M., & Castañeda, D. (2012). Gender differences in the relations between patriarchal beliefs, parenting, and teen relationship violence in Mexican adolescents. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 21(7), 721-738. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10926771.2012.703289
- Ulloa, E., Watts, V., Ulibarri, M., Castañeda, D., & Hokoda, A. (2012). Intimate partner violence among adolescent girls. In P.K. Lundberg-Love, K. L. Nadal, & M. A. Paludi, (Eds.), Women and mental disorders, Vol 2. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
- Castaneda, D. & Ulibarri, M. (2010). Women and sexuality: An international perspective. In M. Paludi & F. Denmark (Eds.), Feminism and women’s rights worldwide. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
- Ulloa, E., Castaneda, D., & Hokoda, A. (2010). Teen relationship violence. In M. Paludi & F. Denmark (Eds.), Victims of sexual assault and abuse: Resources and responses for individuals and families. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
- Castañeda, D., & Burns-Glover, A. (2008). Women’s friendships and romantic relationships. In F. Denmark & M. Paludi (Eds.), Psychology of women: A handbook of issues and theories, 2nd ed. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
- Castañeda, D., & Coates, B. (2008). Relationships with men. In M. Paludi (Ed.), The psychology of women at work: Challenges and solutions for our female workforce. Westport, CT: Praeger.
- Wong, C. A., Araneta, M. R. G., Barrett-Connor, E., Alcaraz, J., Castañeda, D., & Macera, C. (2008). Probable NAFLD, by ALT levels, and diabetes among Filipino-American women. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 79(1), 33-40 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diabres.2007.07.012
- Castañeda, D. (2007). Gender issues among Latinas. In J.C. Chrisler, C. Golden, & P. Rozee (Eds.), Lectures on the psychology of women (4th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
- Hokoda, A., Galván, D. B, Malcarne, V. L., Castañeda, D., & Ulloa, E. C. (2007). An exploratory study examining teen dating violence, acculturation, and acculturative stress in Mexican-American adolescents. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 14, 33-49. doi:10.1300/J146v14n03_03
- Castañeda, D. (2006). Romantic relationships in the workplace. In M. F. Karsten (Ed.), pp. 83-99, Gender, race, and ethnicity in the workplace: Issues and challenges for today’s organizations. Westport, CT: Praeger.
- Castañeda, D., & Burns-Glover, A. (2005). Gender, sexuality, and intimate relationships. In M. Paludi, (Ed.), Praeger guide to the psychology of gender. Westport, CT: Praeger.
- Castañeda, D., & Gómez Bastidas, E. (2005). HIV/AIDS risk behavior among Mexican women working in a maquiladora. Revista Interamericana de Psicología, 39, 267-274. http://www.redalyc.org/html/284/28439211/index.html
- Seid, M., Castañeda, D., Mize, R., Zivkovic, M., & Varni, J. W. (2003). Crossing the border for health care: Access and primary care characteristics of young children of Latino farm workers along the U.S.-Mexico border. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 3, 121-130. https://doi.org/10.1367/1539-4409(2003)003%3C0121:CTBFHC%3E2.0.CO;2
- Castañeda, D. (2000a). HIV/AIDS-related services for women and the rural community context. AIDS Care, 12, 549-565. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/095401200750003743
- Castañeda, D. (2000b). The close relationship context and HIV risk reduction behavior among Latinas/os. Sex Roles, 42, 551-580. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:100709522
- Castañeda, D. Living with HIV/AIDS in a rural border county: Women’s service delivery needs. (1999). In M. O. Loustaunau & M. Sanchez-Banes (Eds.), Asi es la vida: Life, death, and in between on the US/Mexico border (pp. 113-130). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
- Castañeda, D., Bigatti, S. M., & Cronan, T. (1998). Gender and exercise behavior among women and men with osteoarthritis. Women & Health, 27(4), 33-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/J013v27n04_03
- Castañeda, D., & Collins, B. (1998). Effects of gender, ethnicity, and a close relationship theme on persons introducing a condom. Sex Roles, 39, 369-390. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018819025311
- Castañeda, D., & Collins, B. (1997). Structure and activities of agencies providing HIV/AIDS education and prevention to Latina/o communities. AIDS Education and Prevention: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 9, 533-550.
- Castañeda, D. (1994). A research agenda for Mexican American adolescent mental health. Adolescence, 29, 225-239.
- Castañeda, D. (1993). The meaning of romantic love among Mexican Americans. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 8, 257-272.
- Castañeda, D., & Sommer, R. (1989). Professionals’ attitudes towards family role in care and treatment. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 11, 1238-1242.
- CAMI Housing Committee, Castañeda, D., & Sommer, R. (1986). Client housing options as viewed by parents of the mentally ill. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 12, 1195-1197.
- Martinez, A., & Castañeda, D. (2021, November). Sexual satisfaction in ongoing relationships among Latinx emerging adults. Poster presented at 10th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, virtual.
- Castañeda, D. Effects of premarital cohabitation, ethnicity, and gender on marital quality. (2020, February). Poster presented at the Society for Personality & Social Psychology annual conference, virtual.
- Sandoval, J., Medina, R., Hernandez, P., Cisneros, J., & Castañeda, D. (2019, April). Latinx transgender mental health: Needs of an underserved minority. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association, Pasadena, CA.
- Sandoval, J., Cisneros, J., Hernandez, P., & Castañeda, D. (2018, October). Variations in substance abuse between Latinx sexual minority adults. Poster presented at the National Latinx Psychological Association, San Diego, CA
- Castañeda, D. Diversity, social justice, and Latina undergraduate research. Presentation at the symposium—Creating Latina academic leaders throughout the K-20 pipeline and beyond. (2018, August). American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Barajas, G., Gastelum, M., Cisneros, J., Castañeda, D. (2018, March). Substance use among Latinx gay, lesbian, and bisexual adults. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.
- Castañeda, D. (2017, December). Sexting and sexuality in the romantic relationships of Latina/o emerging adults. Presentation at the symposium—The American Journal of Sexuality Education: A Year in Review. The National Sex Ed Conferences, Atlantic City, NJ.
- Castañeda, D. (2017, August). Undocumented students at the front lines: Concerns, resilience, and support needs. Presentation at the symposium—Latina faculty in a time of the ultra-conservative right. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
- Castañeda, D. (2017, August). Latina women’s response to the political climate in the United States. Chair, roundtable discussion presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
- Cisneros, J., Gastelum, M., Jimenez, R., & Castañeda, D. (2017, July). Latina/o LGBTQ mental health in rural communities. Poster presented at the Congreso Interamericano de Psicología, Merida, México.
- Calderon, I. & Castañeda, D. (2017, April). Predictors of perceived health status among Latina/o LGBTQ adults in rural communities. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Conference, Sacramento, CA.
- Cisneros, J., Gastelum, M., Jimenez, R., & Castañeda, D. (2017, April). Latina/o LGBTQ mental health in rural communities. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Conference, Sacramento, CA.
- Castañeda, D. (2016, August). Latina girls and adolescents—Challenges and resilience. Chair and presenter at the symposium presented at the American Psychological Association annual meeting in Denver, CO.
- Castañeda, D. (2015, November). Sexting and sexuality in close relationships among Latina/o emerging adults. Presentation at the symposium—Is Sexting Beyond the Boundaries of Sexual Behavior? Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
- Castañeda, D. (2015, November). Latinas/os, close relationships, and sexual satisfaction. Presentation at the symposium—Looking Under the Surface: The Sexual Lives of Latinos. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
- Lopez Marroquin, Y., Castañeda, D., Flores, Y., & Flores-Niemann, Y. (2015, August). One journey. Presentation at the symposium—Latinas in the academy: Perspectives on mentoring, sustainability, and thriving. American Psychological Association annual meeting, Toronto, Canada.
- Flores, Y., Castañeda, D., & Lopez Marroquin, Y. (2015, August). “We are uniquely 1%”: Increasing Latina representation in the academy. Roundtable discussion presented at the American Psychological Association annual meeting, Toronto, Canada.
- Davila, N. P., Dominguez, P., Marquez, A., Gutierrez, F., Sierra, C., & Castañeda, D. (2015). Understanding Latina experience of discrimination: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Marquez, A., Gutierrez, F., Dominguez, D., Davila, N. P., Sierra, C., Castañeda, D. (2015). The effect of premarital cohabitation and ethnicity on marital quality. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Taggart, T. C., Hammett, J. F., Castañeda, D., & Ulloa, E. C. (2015). Communication behaviors and intimate partner violence: A dyadic approach. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Castañeda, D., Garcia, D., & Garcia, C. (2014, October). Physical and mental health among Latina/o immigrant and non-immigrant college students. Paper presented at the National Latina/o Psychological Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
- Garcia, C., Cabrera Lopez, M., Herrera, A., Granados, V., Castañeda, D. (2014, April). Relationships in the digital age: Sexting among Latina/o emerging adults. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association conference, Portland, OR.
- Castañeda, D. (2013, November). Sexting in close relationships among Latina/o emerging adults. Paper presentation at The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality annual conference, San Diego, CA.
- Garcia, D., Garcia, C., & Castañeda, D. (2013, August). Immigrant and U.S.-born Latina/o college students and mental health: A comparison. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Honolulu, HI.
- Castañeda, D. (2012, April). Predictors of sexual satisfaction among Mexican American adult couples. Paper presentation at The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Western Region Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
- Garcia, D., Nevarez, J.C., Gerardo, T., Garcia, C., & Castañeda, D. (2012, April). The effects of immigration status on mental health among Mexican American college students. Poster presentation at the Western Psychological Association conference, Burlingame, CA.
- Martinez-Arango, N., & Castaneda, D. (2011, August). Problem-solving communication and mental health among Mexican American newlywed couples. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D.C.
- Quintero, J., & Castañeda, D. (2011, April). The effect of gender role violations on prosocial behavior among Mexican Americans. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
- Farías, E., & Castañeda, D. (2010, August). Aggression and mental health among newlywed Mexican-American couples. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Lara, D., Rios, P., & Castañeda, D. (2010, August). Mexican American couples: Examining acculturation, acculturative stress, and marital distress. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, San Diego, CA. Winner of the Best Student Poster Award for the APA Division 45 (Psychological Study of Ethnic and Minority Issues) Poster Session.
- 2022 Reviewer, Nominations for Fellow status, Western Psychological Association
- 2019-20 Personnel Committee, SDSU-Imperial Valley
- 2019-20 Hispanic Serving Institution Task Force-Grant and Extramural Funding Action Team, San Diego State University
- 2019- 20 Chair, Academic Policy and Planning Committee, SDSU-Imperial Valley
- 2019 Data Champions Committee for SDSU-Imperial Valley
- 2018-24 Consulting Editor, Journal of Latinx Psychology
- 2016-19 Chair, Professional Studies Division, SDSU-Imperial Valley
- 2016-17 Chair, Public Administration search committee
- 2015-17 Chair, search committee for Dean of SDSU-Imperial Valley
- 2015 Post-tenure review committee, Psychology Department, San Diego State University
- 2014-19 University Academic Policy and Planning Committee, San Diego State University
- 2013-16 Member of review panel for applications for the Student Scholar Award, Section III, Concerns of Latinas, Division 35, American Psychological Association
- 2013 Reviewer for the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, 6th Conference on Emerging Adulthood conference proposals (Romantic Relationships section)
- 2013 Reviewer for Association for Women in Psychology conference proposals
- 2013 Moderator for session entitled Body Image and Sexualization of Women and Children, Association for Women in Psychology annual conference, Salt Lake City, UT
- 2012-16 Academic Policy and Planning Committee, SDSU-Imperial Valley
- 2012-16 Secretary, Section III, Concerns of Hispanic Women/Latinas, Division 35, American Psychological Association
- 2012-14 Reviewer for applications to the Minority Fellowship Program, American Psychological Association
- 2011-12 Personnel Committee, SDSU-Imperial Valley
- 2010-11 Chair, Arts & Sciences Division, SDSU-Imperial Valley
- 2009-16 Research Council, San Diego State University/University Grants Program Committee
- 2009-10 Dean Search committee member, SDSU-Imperial Valley
- 2009-10 Chair, Student Mental Health Services Review Committee, SDSU-Imperial Valley
- 2008-10 University Promotions, Tenure, and Review Panel, San Diego State University
- 2006-16 Chair of various post-tenure review committees, SDSU-Imperial Valley
- 2002-15 Editorial Board Member, Sex Roles
- 2019-20 Summer Research Fellows Program, San Diego State University-IV ($3000 for me and $750 for one SDSU-IV student)
- 2018-19 Summer Research Fellows Program, San Diego State University-IV. ($2500 for me and $500 each for two SDSU-IV students)
- 2016-18 University Grants Program, San Diego State University ($8700.00)
- 2008-2013 Comprehensive SDSU/UCSD Cancer Center Partnership, an innovative partnership project to address cancer disparities through research, training, and outreach. Total grant is $1,030,700 and I am included as co-investigator at 10% time. (Drs. Elizabeth Klonoff and Ana Navarro, Principal Investigators).
- 2007-11 Subproject proposal to NIMH Minority Research Infrastructure Support Program, “Marital Satisfaction and Mental Health in Mexican American and European American Couples: A Longitudinal Study.” Total subproject funds awarded $177,982. (Dr. Terry Cronan, Principal Investigator for Infrastructure grant; Dr. Donna Castañeda, Principal Investigator for subproject proposal)
- 2000-03 Proposal funded by the Universitywide AIDS Research Program for the project “Support to Promote Latino HIV/AIDS Research in San Diego and Imperial Counties.” Total grant is for $1,525,468. I was included as a co-investigator at 5% time. (Dr. Melbourne Hovell, Principal Investigator)
- 2000-01 Proposal funded by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality for the project “Measuring Quality of Care in Vulnerable Children.” The total grant is for $163,868. I was subcontracted as a co-principal investigator at $44,246. (Dr. Michael Seid, Principal Investigator)
- 1994-99 Faculty Research Grant-in-Aid. San Diego State University. (various small grants ranging from $300 to $4,000)
- 1998-99 Fulbright Scholar Award, Border Program-Mexico. ($9,900)
- 1999 Summer Travel grant to develop student exchange program with Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. ($1,200)
- 1994-04 Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Grants & Faculty Development Grants. San Diego State University. (various small grants ranging from $800-$1,800)
- 1997-98 Faculty Development Program. San Diego State University. (half-time leave)
- 1994-95 Faculty Development Program. San Diego State University. (half-time leave)
- 1996-97 Summer Fellowship. American Association of University Women. ($5,000)
- 1995-96 Grant-in-Aid. The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. ($2,000)
- 1992-93 Research Grant. California Policy Seminar/Latino Research Program, University of California, Berkeley. ($15,000)
Clinical Trials
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Awards & Honors
- 2019 Appointed as a Fellow of the Western Psychological Association
- 2017 The San Diego State University-Imperial Valley Associated Students Outstanding Research Mentor Award 2016-17 in recognition of constant dedication to student research development and mentoring students to succeed within their fields.
- 2013 Appointed as a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Division 35 Society for the Psychology of Women
- 2011 Most Influential Faculty Award, San Diego State University-Imperial Valley
- 1996-97 Outstanding Faculty Award, San Diego State University.
- 1995-96 Quality of Life Leadership Award, Advocates for Women in Academia, San Diego State University.
Patents & Copyrights
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Fun Facts
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