Congratulations to the winner of the 2021 Parker Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Paper in Psychology, Ezekiel Welsh! Ezekiel’s paper was titled: “Context Religious Diversity Indicators  Predict Implicit Attitudes Towards Various Religions.”  Ezekiel was mentored by Dr. Thierry Devos.  The paper represents Ezekiel’s honors thesis.

Ezekiel Welsh Photo

Ezekiel Welsh just completed his B.A. in Psychology with an emphasis in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and a minor in Statistics (May 2021).

In his honors thesis, Ezekiel documented that individuals who live in more religiously diverse U.S. counties display more positive implicit attitudes towards Judaism and Islam. According to Ezekiel, “Working on this project was one of the highlights of my senior year at SDSU. The whole process from the formation of the initial research idea to the writing of the final paper was a great teacher for exposing me to what I enjoy (and do not enjoy) about the research process.”

Dr. Thierry Devos said that “Ezekiel did a wonderful job of exploring an important and timely research question using large existing datasets and sophisticated data analysis techniques. I have rarely mentored an undergraduate student who worked so independently. It has been a pleasure having him in the lab and I expect him to thrive as a researcher.” Starting in the fall, Ezekiel will pursue his training as a graduate student in the master’s program in Applied Psychology at SDSU.

The Parker Award, which recognizes the most outstanding paper written by an undergraduate student in psychology.