Headshot of graduate student with white background

Athena Cisneroz

Program Year: 2023-present

Lab/PI: Dr. Elva Arredondo 

Research Emphasis: Physical and Mental Health Research 

Hometown: Los Gatos, CA

What’s your favorite part of the program? The opportunity to become more connected to my Hispanic/Latina identity and culture through my research. The chance to gain teaching experience as a teaching assistant (thank you Dr. Ulloa!), and provide mentorship to undergraduate research assistants in my mentor’s lab. 

What advice would you give to an incoming student? Be mindful of where you sit on your first day of advanced statistics because you might just meet your besties! Don’t be afraid to reach out to others for guidance or support: your mentor, professors, peers, second-years, doctoral students, and postdocs are all resources. Be kind to others and share resources; we’re each other’s future colleagues after all! 

What do you like to do in your free time? When I’m out and about, I like to…hike, continue my search for the perfect cafe study spot, and explore (get lost around) SD with friends. When I’m feeling creative, I like to…sing, sketch, and write. In my downtime, I like to…read high fantasy romance novels beside a purring kitty. 

Fun Fact: I have a B.A. in Studio Art with a Graphic Design Emphasis.

Headshot of graduate student outside with white background

Simone Brown

Program year: 2023-present

Lab/PI: Dr. Miguel Villodas, Healthy Child and Family Development (HCFD) Lab

Research Emphasis: Examining protective and risk factors associated with adverse outcomes for marginalized youths. With particular emphasis in developmental psychopathology and externalizing symptoms

Hometown: Pelham, NY

What’s your favorite part of the program? I sincerely enjoy my involvement in research projects conducted by the HCFD lab. Engaging in research can be both intellectually stimulating and personally rewarding. Additionally, the outcomes of these projects hold the potential to make meaningful discoveries or advancements within the field of social and behavioral sciences.

What advice would you give to an incoming student? Be open to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences. Your Master’s program is an opportunity for personal and intellectual growth, so embrace challenges and be willing to adapt to change. Most importantly, remember your goals and why you chose to pursue a Master’s degree. Keep yourself motivated and focused on your studies, even when things get tough.

What do you like to do in your free time? I enjoy weightlifting/strength training, pottery throwing, and animal rescue projects 

Fun Fact: I played four instruments growing up & have traveled to 12 countries (so far!)

Headshot of graduate student outside with trees in the background

Gabe Garcia

Program year: 2022-present

Lab/PI: Dr. Annika Linke/ BDIL

Research emphasis: I am researching Autism utilizing neuroimaging and machine learning normative modeling.

Hometown: Long Beach, CA

What’s your favorite part of the program? Learning new ideas and facets of psychology as well as new research techniques such as machine learning.

What advice would you give to an incoming student? My advice would be to always be open to learning new skills and ideas as well as keeping timeline/schedule for your time in the program.

What do you like to do in your free time? I am also on the board of directors for an Equine therapy ranch that uses horses to help individuals with PTSD, Autism, trauma, as well as physical therapy.

Headshot of student in graduation regalia

Iris Zhang

Program year: 2022-present

Lab/PI: Dr. May Yeh

Research emphasis: Acculturation within immigrant families in the US and family conflict.

Hometown: China

What’s your favorite part of the program? I love the great dynamic with cohortmates and caring instructors, especially my super supportive mentor, Dr. May Yeh. Also, the Clinical Psychology is my favorite seminar in the program! Highly recommended!!

What advice would you give to an incoming student? Take all the opportunities of going to conferences and giving presentations! Take classes that interest you, but also plan ahead (because some of the classes are only provided in certain semesters)!

What do you like to do in your free time? Spend time with my cats & hangout on the beach. And ski during the season!!! (Honestly everyone should try skiing.)

Fun fact: I have been TAing for the same class (Psy 410— Advanced Research Methods lab) throughout the two years, with different instructors though. So familiar with this class right now, almost feel like I can teach it alone hahaha!

Headshot of student outside in front of some plants

Rebeca Jimenez

Program year: 2022-present

Lab/PI: Dr. Jessica McCurley, Health, Innovation, Justice, and Action (HIJA) Lab

Research emphasis: Health Psychology; Health Disparities in Mental & Physical Health, Latinx Health, Migrant Health, Health-Related Social Needs (e.g., food insecurity), Community-Based Participatory Research

Hometown: Chula Vista, CA

What’s your favorite part of the program? bonding with other grad students and presenting at conferences 

What advice would you give to an incoming student? Celebrate your wins no matter how big or small

What do you like to do in your free time? Try new restaurants 

Fun fact: If I wasn’t in grad school I would’ve been a flight attendant.

Graduate student standing outside by a lake

Devanshi Upadhyaya

Program year: 2023-present

Lab/PI: Dr. Thierry Devos

Research emphasis: Social Psychology 

Hometown: India

What’s your favorite part of the program? I find immense value in two key aspects: The mentorship provided by my PI and the supportive environment of my cohort. Under my PI’s guidance, I experience daily growth, both academically and personally. The opportunity to conduct research and learn under such incredible mentorship is truly enriching. Additionally, being part of a talented and supportive cohort is another highlight. I cherish the time spent with them! Learning together and witnessing the mutual support and encouragement, is truly heartwarming. 

What advice would you give to an incoming student? Although I’m still navigating my journey, there is one aspect I would share: this program offers an exceptional research-based experience that not a lot of graduate schools provide. Make the most of it! Embrace each day, network actively, delve into diverse research topics, and use this opportunity to discover your strengths and preferences as a researcher. It’s a chance to explore what excites you and what areas you might want to explore further. Most importantly, don’t forget to take time out for yourself! 

What do you like to do in your free time? I enjoy going for long walks with music playing in the background. I also like being outdoors or close to nature. Reading is a big part of my downtime, too—I love getting lost in a good book.  And when I just want to relax, I’ll rewatch episodes of Modern Family, The Office, or The Big Bang Theory. 

Fun fact: I’m a huge Bollywood fan girl and can recite the entire dialogue from my favorite movie!