2020-2022 Rosemberg, C., Stein, A., Migdalek, M., Resches, M., Alam, F., Ojea, G., Friend, M., & Jackson-Maldonado, D. Vocabulario y discurso en los primeros años de la infancia y la niñez. Estudios ecológicos y Estrategias de Evaluación (Vocabulary and Discourse in Early Childhood. Ecological Studies and Assessment Strategies). Agencia. Secretaría deInvestigación Científica y Tecnológica. SECyT. Foreign Consultant.
Margaret Friend has been working with collaborators in Argentina and Mexico to create an adaptation of the Computerized Comprehension Task (originally developed in her laboratory at SDSU) in Argentinian Spanish and an Indigenous language, Qom. This research extends early assessment from the first two years of life all the way to age five. These assessments will facilitate work in a village where the intrusion of Spanish endangers the native Qom and the corresponding cultural identity of the people who inhabit the Pampa del Indio, Chaco region in northern Argentina. We will assess the age at which this intrusion occurs and how this influences heritage language (Qom) maintenance. Although the researchers have worked on this project since 2019, the pandemic affected the processing of grant applications and a retroactive award to pursue this research was announced in March, 2021!